HORROR, 2021
Action sharing from Sandra Johnston's Re:STORE (trust) residential workshop at ]performance s p a c e[.
“In the unfolding circumstances where interpersonal connections have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, how can performance art be reconfigured to address an uneasy new body-phobic social consciousness? I suggest that one of the central ideas that gives performance art agency as a discipline is the range of intimacies that can be tested and opened up through myriad acts of close witnessing. In this workshop we will explore together various ways that trust might be reconstructed, or restored between self and others, including more-than-human relationships and perspectives. Moving between a scale of viewing distance, touching distance, breathing distance, with the aim not to rupture but to respect the parameters of how we sense these sensitive borders, we will consider how intimacy might be redefined. Furthermore, can we still trust ourselves to engage through attuning practices?”
Photos by Manuel Vason.