
Scottish artist embracing dramaturgies in performance art, film, theatre, sound and writing.
I unravel personal truths, tensions and nostalgias, reviving them back into an intimate presence.

__conor1111 ([at]) hotmail ([dot]) com

Education and Training
MLitt Theatre & Performance Practices, with Distinction: University of Glasgow, 2018-2019.
Syllabus III: Wysing Arts Centre, Eastside Projects, New Contemporaries, S1 Artspace, Spike Island, Studio Voltaire and Iniva, 2017-2018.
Market Gallery Committee Member, Glasgow, 2015-2017.
BA(Hons) Sculpture, with First Class Honours: Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, 2009-2013.
Erasmus study programme: AKI ArtEZ, Enschede, 2012.

Exhibitions, Performances, Screenings
Bradford Queer Film Festival , Bradford.
Scottish Shorts 2, Scottish Queer International Film Festival (SQIFF), Glasgow.
Femme Disturbance (solo exhibition), Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow.
Love on the Dole, Queens Park Railway Club, Glasgow.

Hyacinth, broadcast on Radiophrenia, Glasgow FM & online.
Hyacinth, performed live at SHRILL, McNeills, Glasgow.

Letters to Yourself, with Tosia Bargielowska Johnsen, Kiosk, Glasgow.
Biscuit Tin 2022 Artists' Moving Image Festival, EMBASSY, Edinburgh.
Fossil, performed live at SHRILL, McNeill's, Glasgow.

Mystery Sequence & Falling Over, performed live as part of She's a bit much launch, Market Gallery, Glasgow.
Membrane, Glasgow Open House Festival, Glasgow.
She's a bit much, online publication & research project by Catalina Barroso-Luque & Jude Browning.
the Rotundas, Mycelia Issue 4 Launch, live performance created for Zoom.

Vibration Lets Me Know You Are There, Market Gallery Radio Series, broadcast online.
Stain, broadcast on Radiophrenia, Glasgow FM & online.

DOG UNIT, Glasgow Autonomous Space, Glasgow.
I Want to Know What Love is, After School Special, Landmark Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen.
Stain, James Arnott Theatre, Gilmorehill Centre, Glasgow.
Experiment 3, James Arnott Theatre, Gilmorehill Centre, Glasgow.
Reverse It, 16 Nicholson Street, Glasgow.
Hopelessly Devoted, The Garment Factory, Glasgow.

SQIFF Shorts: Queer Scotland, Scottish Queer International Film Festival, Glasgow.
Pouring On House, CCA Cinema, Glasgow.
Can We Still Be Friends, Guest Projects, London.
Summer Camp Showreel, Eastside Projects, Birmingham.
Syllabus III x Tough Matter, Delicious Clam, Sheffield.
SCRATCH #11 with Only Skin Theatre, Pipe Factory, Glasgow.
more of an avalanche with Syllabus III, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge.
FORWARD, Recent Activity, Birmingham.
Bring Back the Mountains, South Block, Glasgow.

BUZZCUT Double Thrills, CCA, Glasgow.
Can I Be Me, The Northern Charter, Newcastle.
You're Too Kind, with Thank You Very Much, David Dale Secret Garden, Glasgow.
Trans-fixed, GENERATORprojects, Dundee.

something about breaking limbs off statues, GENERATORprojects, Dundee.
Company with Florida Collective, Summerhall, Edinburgh.
Mucho Más Mayo, Muralla Bizantina, Cartagena.
SUPERNOVIA (duo show with Ross Fleming), Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow.
Sticky Honey, Laurieston Arches, Glasgow.

TEMPORARY STUDIO: LIVE (3), Temporary Studio, Aberdeen.
//BUZZCUT// 2015, The Pearce Institute, Glasgow.

Underneath the Art Shed, Laurieston Arches, Glasgow.
Tempting Failure, The Island, Bristol.
Table of Submissions, The Art Shed Collective, Edinburgh.
Kaleidoscope, The Virginia Gallery, Glasgow.
Draw In, St. Margaret's House, Edinburgh.
Vision & Values, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow.
//BUZZCUT// 2014, The Pearce Institute, Glasgow.
Bricolage (Glasgow International), The Pipe Factory, Glasgow.
A NATeRnL MISTAKE: x The B_i_g Cut Up ./STURB en (ritual transformation), Stereo, Glasgow.
performingNOW!, GENERATORprojects, Dundee.
Promenade, Citymoves Dance Agency, Aberdeen.
RSA New Contemporaries 2014, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh.
Afflux, Six Foot Gallery, Glasgow.

Performance Nights 1, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow.
Guimarães noc noc 3, Guimarães.
Best of Degree Show, Six Foot Gallery, Glasgow.
Recurring (Degree Show), Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen.
LIVE WINDOW, Seventeen, Aberdeen.
performingNOW!, GENERATORprojects, Dundee.
the moment has to arrive, Citymoves Dance Agency, Aberdeen.
VARIA, Foyer Restaurant and Gallery, Aberdeen.
HERSELF, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen.

IN exactly THIS, Kunstvlaai 2012, Amsterdam.
Warm-Up, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen.
Performance Mini-Festival, Limousine Bull, Aberdeen.
At what point I thought orange is yellow?, B93, Enschede.
PAE#4 OBJECT, Wolfart Projectspaces, Rotterdam.
The Email, AKI ArtEZ, Enschede.

HERSELF, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen.
SYRUP SOAK, Project Slogan, Aberdeen.
BAIRD & BURT: TWO OBJECTIVES, Limousine Bull, Aberdeen.

they are not yours, they are not mine, they are someone else’s most of the time, Project Slogan, Aberdeen.

Programming and Facilitating
Board Member for Market Gallery, 2024-ongoing.
Producer for Tako Taal's After Kinte with Glasgow International & CAPC Bordeaux, 2024.
Obsession Has Memory, alternative oral history project via podcast publishing, online, 2023-ongoing.
Performance Assistant for 'Walk, Hands, Eyes' by Myriam Lefkowitz, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, 2019-2020 & 2023.
Workshop Artist for Underpinning, The Anatomy Rooms, Aberdeen, 2018.
Lead Artist for Beta-Beta Residency with Bobby Sayers, Braemar, 2016.
Performance Workshops Facilitator with Ash McNaughton at Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen, 2016.
Programme Assistant at Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Aberdeenshire, 2015.
Panelist for “Can you see me now? Perceptions of Intimacy” at Tempting Failure 2014, Bristol.
Curator of the moment has to arrive – live art event at Citymoves Dance Agency, Aberdeen, 2013.
Co-Curator of SLUPP, a domestic gallery in Aberdeen, 2012-2013.
Member of artist collective HERSELF, 2011-2013.
Intern at Project Slogan, Aberdeen, 2011-2012.

Residencies and Workshops
Re:STORE (trust), residential workshop by Sandra Johnston, ]performance s p a c e[, Folkestone, 2021.
LADA DIY 15: marikiscrycrycry, SH4ME/[N0 SH4ME] workshop, Glasgow, 2018.
Live Art (Both Pronunciations) residential workshop with Anne Bean [selected by CCA Glasgow], CAMP, Aulus-les-Bains, 2018.
3O/3O participant, 12øcollective, 2018.
Mhor Farr Residency, Mellon Udrigle, 2017.
Interdisciplinary Residency, Hospitalfield, Arbroath, 2017.
LADA DIY 13: FK Alexander, HEAVY META(L) residential workshop, Folkestone, 2016.
AADK Spain Residency, Blanca, Murcia, 2016.
CAMP BREAKDOWN BREAK DOWN residential workshop, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Aberdeenshire, 2015.
The Nightshift Residency, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Aberdeenshire, 2015.
Body Weather workshop, Glasgow, 2013.
PAStudies #26 | object trouvé residential workshop, Rotterdam, 2012.
Collaborative residency with Marina Burt at Limousine Bull, Aberdeen, 2011.

Creative Scotland Open Fund, 2023.
Creative Scotland Visual Art & Craft Maker Award, 2021.
Hedera Felix Editorial Mentorship, 2020.
Scottish Funding Council Bursary, 2018.
Hope Scott Trust Grant, 2016.
George Davidson's Trust Art Scholarship, 2013.
It Doesn’t Feel Like it Does’, dissertation made part of Robert Gordon University Library’s public collection, 2013.